Friday, July 22, 2011

Administrative Matters

Dear all,

Here are some points with regards to admin matters:

1. Squad Chairman

For your respective squads, I would like to have an appointed squad chairman. This person would be mainly responsible for being in charge for your squad's attendance. Hence, it would definitely need to be somebody who is responsible and is willing to find out the reasons as to why your squadmates are unable to attend training for any trainings or courses. Any letters or MCs would also be passed to him before he would pass it to me. A Squad Assistant Chairman would also need to be appointed to reduce the workload of the Squad Chairman. We need a confirmation of the Squad Chairman and Squad Assistant Chairman by 5th August, Friday.

2. Attendance

Attendance is an important issue and here are some things which I would like to clarify. Firstly, for every training please try your best to come down as it would do you good as well. This would also ensure that you would be left behind the squad. However, if you are unable to attend training for any valid reason, please get your parents/teacher in charge to write a letter or get a MC if you are sick. Then, pass it to the Squad Chairman, me or any of your Squad Commanders. A maximum of 5 letters is allowed for the entire year.

However, attendance would be a key factor in your promotion as for every training you do not attend without a valid reason, 5 marks would be deducted. And for every training you do not attend but do not pass us a letter or MC, 3 marks would be deducted. However, if you are unable to attend training but have notified us before training by giving any of the CLs a call and pass us a MC or letter, no marks would be deducted.

If you have any queries, kindly send them to Thanks.


SGT (NPCC) Kevin Chee
SJINPCC Head of Administration

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